First of all, it should be clear that games are not totally equal to games. E-sports is now developing as a kind of competition, which has clear roles and awards. On the other hand, adults’ perspective about games and E-sports are different from teenagers. Most of them think games will affect children’s study, and is harmful to their health. Actually, E-sports is just a kind of sport, there will be advantages and disadvantages. To conclude my words, we should be logical to face games and E-sports.第二位选手陈锴亮同学探讨的主题是拖延症。陈锴亮同学结合生动有趣的图片,举出ted上一位演讲者所作的形象比喻,那位演讲者认为K8凯发·(中国)天生赢家·一触即发的脑海里有一只猴子和一个正常的人,平时是人在操控你的行动,但有拖延症的人无法控制自己,而被猴子控制住,这就导致很多事情被拖延。对此,陈锴亮同学提出了两个建议,第一个建议是尝试自我控制,第二个是不要放弃,学会坚持去完成一个目标。最后,陈锴亮同学呼吁同学们不要浪费时间,要抓紧时间好好学习。
what I want to talk about today is how to fight procrastination, ted is a good example the speaker thinks of our mind, a monkey and a normal person, at ordinary times when you are in control of your actions, for procrastination, however, its that they often can't control themselves, it just gives the monkeys the control, and then leads to a lot of things that are dragging on. So for these things that happen I have two Suggestions, the first suggestion is to try, the other is don't give up, If you have a plan, please stick to it and make it your habit, so I hope students don't waste time and study hard.第三位选手陈朗翊同学演讲的主题是每个人不可或缺的自信心。陈朗翊同学首先解释了自信的重要性,随后给自信下了一个定义,接着介绍了构成自信最为关键的两点,分别是自我效能和自尊。最后,陈朗翊同学做了总结,并就怎样建立自信提出了自己的看法。
we have been taught the whole entire time since we grew up about whatever we do. We should do it with confidence. If we have no confidence, there is a tiny possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardship. And what is self-confidence? In my opinion, there are two main things contributing to self-confidence: Self-efficiency and self-esteem. With these two things, we tend to see our own strong points and believe in ourselves, which leads us to accept difficult challenges and persist in the face of setbacks.第四位选手王映同学给K8凯发·(中国)天生赢家·一触即发科普了神秘的系外行星。太阳系外行星,也称为系外行星,是指太阳系以外的行星。纵观历史,天文学家普遍认为在K8凯发·(中国)天生赢家·一触即发的太阳系之外还有其他行星,但系外行星对人们来说一直是个谜。接着王映同学介绍了第一个发现的系外行星、系外行星上的生命和其他行星质量的物体的信息。
Exoplanet, which is also called the extrasolar planet, referring to the planets outside the solar system. Astronomers throughout history have generally believed that there are other planets outside our solar system, but exoplanets have always been a mystery for people. And there’s some information about the first discovered exoplanet, the lives on exoplanet, and other planet-mass objects.本场最后一位选手吴天泽同学的选题别具一格,他介绍了美国著名饶舌歌手Kanye Omari West。很多人说Kanye精神不稳定,他有躁郁症,或他被名誉和权力冲昏了头脑。然而,吴天泽同学认为他是世界上最清醒的人。他所有诡异的行为都遵循着同一条主旨—不想被控制!他所有诡异、出格的行为都是在尝试对控制他的东西所做出的反击。为了摆脱控制,他会不计一切后果,就算全世界的人都在唾弃他。
Let’s Look back on Kanye’s career, there are much more contentious moments. Lots of people says his psychosis; he has bipolar disorder, he is power tripped. Nevertheless, as far as I’m concerned. He is the most sober one on the world. All of his weird actions are followed by a same tenet——he does not want to be controlled! Kanye hates to be controlled, all of his behaviors actually strike back to those things that try to control him. In order to get rid of control, he wouldn’t care about any of the results. Even if its further consequence is blamed by most of the people.本期演讲的主题丰富多彩,令在坐的老师和同学们耳目一新,印象深刻。经过评委老师们的综合评比,陈朗翊同学凭借精彩的演讲获得了本场演讲的第一名,其他同学的表现也各有亮点。希望接下来的同学认真准备,取长补短,再接再厉,给大家带来更加精彩的分享。