本学期英语公众演讲继续由英语教学组承办,总的流程没有变,赛制有所改动: 第一轮是确立主题,形式为命题演讲,由负责人提前一周公布演讲主题。 第二轮是上台演讲,演讲时间定在每周三下午第二节课后,演讲顺序由抽签来决定。此外,评委组成有改变,和以往不一样的是,除了三位专业的外教老师,这学期还有来自毕业班同学以宿舍为单位组成的大众评审,他们的评分占总成绩的20%,另外80%则来自于三位专业的外教评委。 第三轮是公布成绩,经过外教老师和大众评委的综合打分,将评出每期的第一名,最后根据每期总成绩,前8名的选手将进入总决赛。 至今,我校已成功举办了三届英语公众演讲,希望借此能进一步提升同学们的英语口语表达能力和当众说英语的自信心。 本期主持人为周雨轩和龚昱晨两位同学,演讲主题是“The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?”选手们自选角度,围绕主题各抒己见。 Any time you have a goal, some work needs to be done to achieve it. Ideally, you would not be satisfied until you had done the work. But when you tell someone your goal and they acknowledge it, you will feel like you have done it successfully. And then, because of satisfaction that you feel, you’re less motivated to do that actual hard work necessary. Badminton is always the sport that I enjoy the most, but I rarely do realise how much effort did I pay for it. It’s interesting to rewind to memory of how did I get on with this sport. From the initial ignorance to the interest with different types of racquets and till now, a skillful player. And what I get from this memory was not only delightedness, but also the spirit of persistence. When in childhood, I believe everyone has this same experience: required by our parents to learn one skill—singing, dancing etc. But we never had a chance to decide what to learn. It may let us to waste time on learning skills that we didn’t have intension to learn. Take control over your own life. No one knows yourself better than you do. I learned from the fault that everything should be prepared well before the deadline, or you will be irresponsible for somebody that cause trouble. I like playing games, and I think I’m good at it. After I have been a very high rank, I found that it’s difficult for me to play. After a teammate tolerate me, I tried to cooperate with my teammates and I won matches again and again. Then, I found that teamwork is not only important in games, but also important our study life. Obstacles bring us many problems, why most of people thank them and even like to accept the challenge? In fact, the harvest from obstacles outweigh the cost of overcoming it. From the obstacles, you can get more experience to enhance your skills, failures will enable you to chase other stronger people and some novel experience will give you some unforgettable memories. 经过激烈的角逐和评委们的综合打分,来自十年级二班的朱允成同学凭借出色的发挥获得本期第一名,其他参赛同学的表现也可圈可点,各有千秋。作为本学期的开场秀,同学们丝毫不显生疏,一上场就拿出从容不迫、当仁不让的气势,给接下来的选手们树立了很好的榜样。带着希望出发,希望接下来的同学们精益求精,更上一层楼。